Old Tools with a New Purpose
With August coming to an end, active businesses are looking for new and innovative ways to engage new and existing customers. While newer marketing strategies and methods are being created every day, we can’t help but fall back to an existing tool that continues to pave the way for small to large businesses. QR Codes have continuously shown their worth in modern marketing. Today, we’ll talk about how to use QR codes to create a class sign-up list that can be updated instantly, generate a contact list to give updates to your participants, and highlight their advantage over paper lists.
Following Up on Classes
A QR code class sign-up is a process where customers sign up for classes by scanning QR codes with their mobile devices. This system is convenient in several ways. About 85% of Americans own a smartphone capable of scanning QR codes, making this method readily available to the majority of your customers. Additionally, QR codes, once scanned, bring a person directly to your sign-up page. This avoids the need to type in your URL or navigate to your page, making it a one-step process for your visitors. On top of an easy sign-up process, you can include your Facebook page, business page URL, and any other social media that you want to connect to the sign-up page for additional social media advertising!
Coupled with a data collection mechanism that collects generic and customized data from your customers, QR codes and mobile marketing technology give you the leverage to directly market to them in the future about classes they may be interested in.
Once you have your attendee list for your class, keep them engaged with before and after-class tips and challenges to build up prior knowledge about the topic, engage them in learning and practice between classes, and then extend their learning after class is over. Create mobile offers for class materials before, during, and after class to keep them engaged and give them additional value from the class. And, don’t forget to send them industry updates to keep them engaged in the topic!
Create Your QR Code Sign Up
The best part about coming up with the class sign-up system is that its SUPER easy to do! We can help you plan a strategy for the pre and post-market opportunities to help you profit from more than just a one-time class fee. As the business owner, you come up with the classes you want to include, and a small description of what that entails (class description, costs, equipment needed, experience required for the class, etc.). Think about how to connect information and offers to your class and then let’s get a strategy together.
As customers scan the QR code, they can see all of the details, and if they want to sign up, the form will be right there under the description to opt-in directly to your contact list to receive additional details. Pending on if you want customers to come in and pay first to finish the sign-up process or not, they will receive a confirmation with any follow-up instructions, information about the topic offers for class materials, and encouraging quips from you before they come to your class How’s that for building brand loyalty and customer engagement?!
For example,
Debbie runs a yoga studio. She’s often too busy running the classes or doing internal work that makes manual class sign-ups difficult and time-consuming. So she creates three classes, each with its own QR code. As customers pass by or see her flyers and posters in other shops, they scan these QR codes, where they can see all the details, and finish filling out the form. Immediately after opting in for the class, they get a text message with details on paying for the class, along with any other information they need to know prior to attending. While her class sign-up runs automatically, Debbie can check in every once in a while to see how many people have opted into her classes without any of the hassle of collecting information, or continued advertising.
She suddenly remembers that she can’t run the third class session due to construction in one of the studios. Instead of running around to collect flyers to make new ones with the new information, she informs Streamwerks that it will need to be pushed back one week, and the pages connected to her QR codes are immediately updated for her customers! To keep the excitement going, she sends a text with a link to a yoga article, and even sends them a discount offer for a yoga mat and blocks from her studio. She sends a message to those already signed up to let them know of the schedule change. Having put in only an hour or two of her time, she’s planned out her whole month’s worth of classes with hardly any effort put in!
Making the Most of
Whether you’re creating new classes each week, or you have the next month planned in advance, the class sign-ups can be updated, and retired, pending on how long you want to run them. In addition to easy sign-ups, you can also update pre-existing customers with offers on similar classes and specials for class supplies after they’ve opted-in!
What if you don’t run the typical class structure? Perhaps you offer demos, do shows, or are looking to create volunteer events. You can create business conference sign ups, company-hosted events for customers, and so much more. The sky is the limit, so if you have an idea, its EASY to implement!
In Conclusion
It’s just a fact that QR codes are used more now than ever. As a powerful and convenient method of marketing and connecting with customers, and being an easy and affordable transition method for all business sizes and types, there’s no better time to incorporate QR codes into your marketing strategy. Interested in spending less time creating class sign-ups and extending your reach? Call us today to see how you can get started immediately! For more information on how our QR Codes work, click the link below to learn more.