Using Keywords to Engage Your Audience

One Word to Engage Them All

How often have you had customers that love and use your products or services, but never followed up on giving you a good review online? What is your engagement rate with your customers? Are you able to easily convince people to join your loyalty program on their first visit to your business? What if we told you that you could encourage your customers to engage on a frequent basis, visit your store often, and even increase your popularity in your local community with a single text? Sounds like a lot of work, right? We’ll be exploring the simple concept of keywords and their multiple uses in your day-to-day marketing through loyalty programs, secret keyword contests, and text-to-win campaigns.

The Foundation of Mobile Marketing

Building a loyal customer base begins with keywords. With keywords acting as the foundation of mobile marketing, you can add onto your marketing strategy with text-to-win campaigns, secret keyword contests, and loyalty programs.

So what are keywords, and why are they so important? A keyword is a single word that customers can text to a shortcode to opt-in to your contact lists to receive promotions and alerts. Furthermore, you can have multiple keywords for different campaigns, giving you a wide range of freedom and creativity to interlink them with your business’ own style.

The use of simple keywords is just the beginning of creating a responsive customer base. As you learn to incorporate more platform features into the use of your keywords, you’ll see how these build on each other. A new customer will use your keyword to get your promos, and inevitably get messages about your many types of contests. Once they start entering to win special prizes at your store, they’ll see the value of being a loyal member who knows about all these features at your store. The more you invest in creating loyal customers, the more likely you are to build trust in your community as a proactive business.

This an easy and effective way to increase your customer base, and a catalyst to the beginnings of a successful marketing campaign. Your keyword can be interconnected to Text-to-Win campaigns, loyalty programs, and exciting and engaging Secret Keyword contests that bring your existing and new customers back to your store over and over. So how can you do this with just one word? Let’s get into it.

Loyalty Programs

Our loyalty program feature is completely free to your customers. Through the same keyword that they use to join your contact lists, they can also opt-in to your loyalty program. While bringing in new customers is important, it’s equally important to retain them as well.

As new customers visit your store, inform them about your keyword and shortcode to instantly get coupons and special offers. Don’t forget to let them in on your loyalty program to work towards a unique surprise.  These shoppers will catch on that they can earn rewards by participating in your text message marketing. Not only are you encouraging them to come back to keep getting these promotions, you’re setting yourself apart from your competitors by offering paperless coupons that can be redeemed, and in an easy way. 

With nearly 97% of all Americans owning some type of smartphone, keyword sign-up is a quick and painless process for your audience to get your offers. Who doesn’t love an easy process?


Another way to use keywords to appeal to your audience is the use of mobile contests. Offering special prizes for new customers is a great way to reward their participation. There are two types of contests that we’ll discuss; text-to-win contests and Secret Keyword contests.

Text-to-Win Campaigns

A Text-to-Win contest is just like it sounds. Customers can text a keyword of your choice to your shortcode to enter a limited-time contest, or general monthly/weekly contests. Once they send the text message with your keyword, they receive a message informing them of their successful opt-in to the contest. To learn more about Text-to-Win contests, check out our blog breaking down everything you need to know to run your own contest!

Secret Keyword Contests

This type of keyword contest is a customer favorite! So you already have your main keyword and a decent opt-in list, and you’re looking for a new way to engage your customers and encourage them to return to your store without a coupon. This is where we introduce the Secret Keyword contest! Whether you want to do a contest every day or once a week, depending on your business, you have a secret keyword that only you know. Additionally, the only way customers can discover the secret keyword to enter time-sensitive contests is to visit your store or go to your social media to find the revealing post. This is our favorite way of engaging customers!

While your customer base is looking to win these exciting contests, they also have a good reason for visiting your business over and over. This will drive your sales, and increase your likelihood of converting one-time customers into loyal and frequent visitors. Sounds too good to be true? We helped one of our clients get 191 new and unique opt-ins in under 48 hours with this technique! Additionally, they now receive nearly 180 new views for their promotions each month. Then, after increasing their opt-in list, they alerted all their customers through text to go support them in their city’s local Best of the Best contest. Not only were they nominated for two categories, but they also won first place in one division and 3rd in another! And the best part is, they hardly had to put in any time to do it.

Remember how we said everyone loves an easy process?

Our Final Word on Keywords

We believe that mobile marketing should be fun and easy! Not only for you but for your customers are well. Keywords are the single most important feature within the Streamwerks platform to make you stand out in the sea of businesses. With so many uses, and so little to learn in order to use them, incorporating their uses beyond simple opt-ins is crucial to becoming a successful business.